Fees & Charges

Our fees are dependent on your eligibility to receive subsidised transport services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) or the Community Transport Program (CTP).  Our most popular services and the associated fees are listed below for eligible CHSP & CTP clients.  Please contact us for additional service fees not listed below.

Community Transport

Same Day Return Service

Service Fee

Ashford to Inverell


Ashford to Armidale


Ashford to Tamworth


Inverell to Armidale


Inverell to Tamworth



Community Access Bus

Service Fee

Shopping Bus Inverell - one way


Shopping Bus Inverell - return



  • Note – Carers travel free of charge


Well-Being & Social Activities

Well-Being & Social Activities

Service Fee


Coffee Club

At own expense

Transport Included

Craft Day Centre


Transport Included

Golden Club


Transport Included

Golden Club Excursion


Transport Included

Ladies Social Butterfly Club


Transport Included

Ladies Social Butterfly Club Excursion


Transport Included

Let's Get Physical Exercise


Social Lunch Bus


Transport + Meal

Ashford Tuesday Social Group


Social Support Individual


Plus Transport Costs

Carer Support Group

At own expense




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