Your Rights

We support the Charter of Aged Care Rights which outlines your rights as a consumer of Australian Government funded aged care services.

Charter of Aged Care Rights

I have the right to:

  1. Safe and high quality care and services;

  2. be treated with dignity and respect;

  3. have my identity, culture and diversity valued and supported;

  4. live without abuse and neglect;

  5. be informed about my care and services in a way I understand;

  6. access all information about myself, including information about my rights, care and services;

  7. have control over and make choices about my care, and personal and social life, including where the choices involve personal risk;

  8. have control over, and make decisions about, the personal aspects of my daily life, financial affairs and possessions;

  9. my independence;

  10. be listened to and understood;

  11. have a person of my choice, including an aged care advocate, support me or speak on my behalf;

  12. complain free from reprisal, and to have my complaints dealt with fairly and promptly;

  13. personal privacy and to have my personal information protected;

  14. exercise my rights without it adversely affecting the way I am treated.

Your responsibilities as a client

As a client of client of ICS, you also have some responsibilities including:

  • Letting us know if no longer need our service or if you’re not going to be home when Team members are due to visit
  • Giving us at least 2 working days’ notice prior to your appointment for transport services
  • Following all safety precautions such as the use of seatbelts and COVID-19 safe practices as directed by our Team Members;
  • Acting in a way that respects the rights and privacy of others using or delivering the service to you
  • You need to play your part in helping our Team Members to provide you with services;
  • Remembering to tell us of any significant change in your details which may impact on service delivery eg: phone number or personal circumstances.

ICS is a Smoke Free environment.  Smoking is not permitted in any of our buildings or vehicles.


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